Saturday, September 27, 2014

I Cheat (Take Shortcuts) Sometimes

In the Land of Leftovers, the Shortcut Takers are Royalty

It's almost impossible to make everything from scratch, when you live in modern society.   Particularly if you have a life-I am not claiming to have one of those, I just have a shit ton of homework, and class work.  A life, would be nice.  And maybe one day when the schooling is all done, and I have a career (a mythical creature that you spend all of your time with, and in theory takes care of your long term goals), I might just have time to play...

But in the mean time...  I recognize that eating the same damn thing every day gets old, and at that, really quickly.


Remember me mentioning the pork loin that I will some time later make into ravioli?  Well I cooked it. and  had it for dinner yesterday (well part of it).  Along with some other leftovers.  Also  had Sort of not Kosher Potato Pancakes, and baked veggies.


Pork Loin is really easy to cook.  You  can marinade it.  or if you are like me, you can get one that is already seasoned.

So pork loin-pre marinated, goes in baking pan.
Add cleaned and cubed radishes- yes you can cook radishes.  They sweeten up as you cook them, and add a nice color besides, to any dish.  So add about a cup and a half, also to the same  backing pan.
1 chunkily chopped yellow onion
2 small cubed red potatoes
sprinkle pepper on top and bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes.  Till internal temp of pork loin is 165.

The potato pancakes were made with Potato Dandruff. (instant mashed potato mix)

Pour dandruff into mixing bowl
Add what seasonings you like
Chop fine 1/2 onion add to the bowl

I had some frozen chopped poblano peppers.

1/2 cup chopped poblano peppers
take four slices of any type of cheese, and chop finely
add to the mix

now add 3 eggs. ( I don't care what type of eggs you use, chicken works best, if you are going with goose: 1.5 eggs, duck; 4 eggs, ostrich: 1/2 egg)

mix everything together.

In a frying pan on medium low heat add vegetable oil. (again use that which you like)

once the oil starts to bubble, spoon the potato mix onto the pan and flatten as best you can.

fry on each side till it is browned.  place on paper towel to get rid of excess grease.  Serve however you like.

Stone Soup.

EVERYBODY must know how to make this.  The story is taught to every child.

I left out the stone...  We are in Tennessee, and well... limestone isn't my favorite.

in the 2 quart pan add 1 tbsp. olive oil
chop 1 1/2 yellow onions
3 crushed garlic cloves
sauté till onions become transparent
add 2 cups broth (I used chicken)
4 cups carrot juice
1  120z. can low sodium V8
1 can Garbanzo beans
1 cup leftover tomato basil soup
3 cups crushed tomatoes
1 1/2 cup frozen winter vegetable mix (broccoli/cauliflower)
2 cups frozen peas
1 cup frozen green beans
1 cup frozen fajita mix (chopped/sliced bell peppers)
1/2 cup brown rice
1 bay leaf

simmer for an hour then lower the heat
Make sure the rice is cooked through:  serve.

Cheese Biscuits w/ herbs

Like I said in an earlier post I don't have any flour, except the semolina flour.  I do however have an instant biscuit mix.  And I can always soup that up to make it awesome.

So biscuit mix.  It says I need 1/4 cup melted butter- I misread this, and though it said 1/3.  I don't have enough butter so I add some vegetable oil to make up the difference. and 1/3 cup milk.  I add this into the bowl.

Now I add 1/4 cup shredded gouda-that's the end of my cheese supplies.
2 tsp. Italian seasonings
1 tsp. ground black pepper
and mix it all up.

preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  place 4 evenly shaped biscuits in the baking pan, and bake for 12-14 minutes.

I served these  with the above soup.


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